My reading wish list has just got a whole lot longer! Good thing I'm taking a summer sabbatical.

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Lee, I am riven with curiosity. Am I permitted to know more? Do you plan to travel or just sit and read? (I could happily do this. Why is there no such thing as a reading sabbatical?) Shall we start a club?) x

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I have absolutely no plans other than to not work 😂 I'm hoping the time will be filled with reading, writing and exploring my little corner of England.

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So many books I haven't heard of that I now get to dive into! Thanks, Natasha ◡̈

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I love a good book rec, but am rarely offered them, so this was a particular joy. (Do you find this?) xx

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Yes! It's hard to come across a popular/new book I haven't at least heard something about or seen the cover of, so recommendations like these are always such a joy!

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I just wrote down so many books I didn’t need to buy but absolutely will 😭 thank you for rounding all this up!

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Ha! I do this ALL THE TIME. I could literally build a house made of books.

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Nice to se Margaret Kennedy recommended! I just read ‘The Feast’, and I thought the parts about the children were particularly good.

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I read it whilst on holiday in Devon (close enough, right?) one year, and found it delightfully dark and sinister in places.

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