I love the sound of all these recommendations. My only question is, which one do I read first? Also I don't live near an Ikea so might have to find a substitute biscuit

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LOVE a cosy mystery, particularly at this time of the year. Enjoyed the new Osman and loved the first Mackie, so new one definitely on my TBR pile, as is the Dent. Thank you for the recommendations - books and biscuits! Will be tracking those down on my next trip to IKEA!

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Do be warned that they are perilously moreish: i have pretty much eaten the entire tin. Solo.

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She didn’t ask for much did she? 🤣 I want to read all of these! When am I ever going to have the time?

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I like an individual who knows what they want! I met someone the other day and was warned beforehand they are very direct and forthright. I felt like saying I live with a teenager, direct and opinionated I can do! xx

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Thank you so much for these.... especially like the sound of the Susie Dent one.

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I read A LOT of celeb-penned books for a previous job. (I say written by celebs, but there were definitely instances where we'd be told "X is very involved" and it would transpire the extent of X's involvement was meeting the ghostwriter...) This one is a cut above - good by any measure! It's a delight and fiendishly clever. Every chapter is headed by an obscure word and its definition: logophile heaven!

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Delicious! Puzzles within a puzzle - makes total sense that she would be good at this. Thanks for the recommendation!

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